Little beauty tricks are extremely helpful in order to achieve great results with less effort and time. Let’s dive into some of them and see which ones you are already using.
Depuffing your eye area with cold spoon.
Keep the spoon in the freezer and use it in the morning routine. Hold it against your eye area for quick depuffing and aiding blood circulation. It’s very helpful if you have to get up early and head straight to your work.
Change your pillowcase more often.
Our face is sensitive to the bacteria, which can grow and thrive on our pillowcase. We recommend changing the entire bed lining once a week and changing the pillowcase twice a week. Sleep on the one side and then flip it after one sleep.
If you’re a shaver, use conditioner instead of shower gel.
The razor will glide more smoothly and provide extra hydration. It’s kind a luxurious way of shaving.
Use facial cosmetics products that you didn’t like for your body.
This is wise way to empty every single cosmetics product in your bath. If you have some serums and moisturizers that aren’t good for your skin, use them on your hands, décolleté area or legs, where you feel more hydration is needed.
Out of the dry shampoo? Use baby powder.
Let it sit for a few minutes and then rub it around to get rid extra amount and whiteness. You are good to go!
Add saline solution to a flaky mascara formula to re-wet it.
You’re only supposed to keep mascara for three months, because beyond that point, it can collect bacteria and lead to eye infections. However, if your mascara dries up within three months, revive it with a couple drops of saline solution.
Apply Vaseline on your pulse points before spraying your perfume to make the scent last longer.
Since the ointment is occlusive, it will hold the fragrance on your skin longer than if you were to spray the perfume just onto your skin.
Sveiki, seku jūsų straipsnius, labai patinka – ir trumpa info, ir vizualas. Būtų smagu, jei jie išeitų kokią nors vieną konkrečią dieną, kad nereikėtų sukti galvos – jau ar ne jau. Pamąstykite, ačiū jums ir linkiu sėkmės šitam self-care projektui.
Ačiū jums už gerus žodžius ir idėją! Mums labai daug tai reiškia!
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